Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Downside

I have it pretty good. Minus the fact that my husband is in Cleveland and I am in upstate New York, I have it pretty good. My family pulled through for me and I am living here with my uncle in this big, beautiful house, with a big yard, and lots of food. For the situation I am in, I definitely have it pretty good!

Life doesn't usually lay things out for people as neatly as this living arrangement came to be. There was likely to be a downfall, at some point. Besides the impeding separation, the visits from a platonic lady friend, and a friendly stalker, I couldn't find one. Until today that is. The downfall has slowly crept up on me. I did foresee this, however I convinced myself it was a minor glitch, not an actual downfall. But, looking at it realistically, it is life changing!

This life changing issue is evident in my phone log. No, I am not talking about my father again. Although the phone log would certainly prove my point beyond a doubt. I am talking about my grandmother. My grandma is not the one who bakes cookies for you, who hugs you when you walk in the door, or smiles because you are happy. Never has been like that, and at 87, I don't think she is ever going to be! Starting at the age of five, I was required to call her daily so she could cry and complain about her neighbors, co-workers, family members, and anyone that may have crossed her that day.

I was enjoying my evening relaxing with my dog and watching television. The familiar sound of my phone ringing filled the air, and excitement came over me as it does every time my phone rings. Is it Jeff? Maybe it's Jeff! It probably is Jeff! Nope, it was Grandma, for the second time tonight. I conveniently didn't make it to the phone in time when it had rang an hour earlier. I had heard my uncle's phone ring as well, as he bypassed the call too. I had to answer it because she is the person who stays up all night constrewing ridiculous thoughts about what could be wrong since we were not answering our phones.

I painfully held the phone to my ear. "Hi, Grandma," were the only two words I got out until it was time to say goodbye. I laid my head down, and held the phone up in the air for a while, knowing I wouldn't be missed. I don't know how it ended, but it finally did. Two more words, "bye, Grandma" and thirty minutes later I was free. It felt like I had just run a marathon on a hot day. I literally collapsed with exhaustion.  Only, for my phone to ring two seconds later, Grandma again!

I regretfully answered, figuring she knew I was by my phone. I was not expecting what followed. "I forgot to ask, how did I get these spider bites around my eyes?" I told you she is not typical! And, how would I know? I explained that it is pretty rare to get bit by a spider, although she claims it happens about three times a month. She wanted my opinion because I have a little ESP. If I had known I had ESP, I could have used it to foresee my husband getting a job in Cleveland and could have made sure I had one of my own! Thank goodness that phone call ended quickly.

After so graciously praising Apple for the invention of iChat, I am not happy with the fact that it was not working properly tonight. I could see Jeff, but I couldn't hear a word he said. I finally wanted to listen, and I got nothing but silence! But hey, at least I got to see him!

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