Friday, September 25, 2009

You've Got Mail

I love when Jeff says, "I sent you an email." I always have high hopes. Maybe he is going to admit how much he misses me or tell me how important our love is. Yea, cause that is so like him! The content doesn't actually matter, the fact that Jeff is thinking about me means enough. And trust me, in this case, that is a good thing!

Some recent emails have been the normal chit chat you would expect between a married couple throughout the work day. Updating each other on what is going on and plans for the day and night. Some other emails, not what one may consider typical.

As I have said, I get high hopes when I get emails from Jeff. The highest of hopes came when I received an email with the subject saying, "This Reminded me of you." Wow, how cute is that? He is thinking of me! Different things remind me of Jeff all the time, it's so nice to know he's reminded of me too. Just what could it be? I got all tingly imaging what may lay inside this email. I opened it to find a link. Okay, a link wasn't exactly a proclamation of love, but this could still be good. I clicked on the link and a new window popped up with an interesting article. An article that quiet obviously reminded Jeff of me. What do you think it was? An article about love? An article about a strong, charismatic young woman resembling me? I had to laugh as I viewed the article about cottage cheese legs, otherwise known as cellulite. The article about the new medical treatments to get rid of cellulite reminded my husband of me. Lovely! So what, I have a little cottage cheese sprinkles on my upper legs and butt. I am not quiet ready for a medical treatment over this, but hey, it is nice to know one exists!

Another strange email that sticks out in my head is the one I received today. Another link. Great, what is this one about, gastric bypass surgery? It was a video. Much better right? Maybe it was a nice video like the one I made for Jeff on our anniversary. Stupid high hopes again! As soon as I clicked the video, I knew this was nothing sweet. In fact, it was quiet the opposite. Possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever watching. Something that made my eyes water as held on tightly to my evening meal, hoping it would be spewed all over the computer screen.

For those of you who don't know me well enough, I am kidding about these emails disappointing me. In fact, I like that Jeff keeps me on my toes. The boy is thinking about me, no matter what content he is sending me, that is what matters most. He keeps me entertained, and that keeps me happy. Keep them coming Jeff!

If you are interested in the video, here you go:

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