Wednesday, September 23, 2009


As we speak, Jeff is at the Cleveland Indians game in a luxury box. Come on Jeff, you couldn't pull those string when I am planning on being in town? I know there is room for me in that box. I won't get in anyone's way and I won't eat too much luxury food.

The past month, I have been hinting that I would like to go to an Indians game, but Jeff has had no interest. If I said I'm a huge Indians fan, that would be a lie. However, I have always wanted to go to all Major League Baseball fields. I am not very far along (6 fields), but going to an Indians game would get me one step closer.

I guess sitting down with the common folk, in the average seats, is above Jeff. He is a luxury box kind of guy, and he expects nothing less. I hear once you get a taste of luxury you never want to go back! Why would you, look at this place....

Yes, not only is Jeff at the game in the luxury box, he is also sending me pictures to rub it in. I was perfectly happy with the Press Box this weekend. I felt important and privileged. Imagine the joy I could feel in a luxury box!

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