Monday, December 21, 2009

An Accident Waiting to Happen

I have always found the girl down the street who walks her dog in an orange, reflective vest to be ridiculous. I have to laugh at the man who walks with a flickering light. They look goofy. What ever happened to wearing light colors in the dark?

Seeing them almost everyday makes me hold my breath. I would feel horrible if I laughed out loud at them. So, I just pass by with humorous thoughts running through my mind. But, these past few days, I feel like the idiot, while these freak looking people may, in fact, be onto something.

For, yesterday an old man backed out of his driveway and nearly ran Shea and I over. I was wearing light grey colored sweats and Shea is white for God's sake! I thought we were pretty easy to see! Tonight I left for a run at about 4:30. With tomorrow being the shortest day of the year, I left myself very little daylight to run in. With my black jacket on, I turned into the idiot I thought the reflective vest wearers were. A few times I actually had to wave my hands in the air to be sure oncoming traffic could see me. Probably not the safest way to go.

With that, I would like to ask Santa for a reflective vest. Hear that Santa (Jeff)? I know it's late notice, but you are supposed to be magical, right?

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