Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm The Big Loser

The first thing I do each morning when I wake up is check my phone. Not to see what calls I missed, nobody is calling me in the middle of night. I do it to check the weather. I started last winter in order to know how many layers I need to put on while taking Shea out for our routine morning run.

Unlike the past year, this year I always check the temperature where I am and where Jeff is. Almost like it is a competition. For me, a person who likes warmth, the higher temperature would be considered the winner. Quite frankly, I am getting my ass kicked! On average, Cleveland has been 15 degrees warmer and never once, not once, has the temperature in Cleveland been below that in Schenectady. I'm not exactly sure why I check the temperature in the morning, it just makes me angry on so many levels.

Needless to say, with higher temperatures here in Cleveland, I was looking for what would seem, in comparison to home, like a trip to the tropics. I was pleased to find Cleveland sunny and snow free! Forty degrees at the end of December is a nice feeling. A feeling that made me take Shea on extra long runs and not mind the walk from the car to whatever store we were going into. I wouldn't even mind pumping gas! I was eating up this weather for all it was worth.

Today, however, the weather, mother nature if you will, must have realized that I had come to Cleveland. The beautiful, sunshiny greenery of Cleveland I was so enjoying quickly turned white.

For the first time when checking the temperatures on my phone, Schenectady's temperature was significantly higher than Cleveland's. Go figure! As I blamed the weather for this snowfall, Jeff was quick to blame me. In this whole warm weather competition, I certainly am a loser!

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