Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Birthday Text

Today is my mother's birthday. Since she is in Florida and doesn't have to get up early for work, I did not call her on my drive in this morning as I would normally do. I waited. 

When my students got back from lunch, we had a measly five minutes before we had to go to art class. It is always a struggle to find a good, useful activity to complete in five minutes. So, today, rather than trying I gather the kids on the ground in front of me. I dialed my mother, threw the phone on speaker, and cued the kids as soon as she picked up. The kids very melodically, as all 10-year olds do, belted out happy birthday to my mother. They added a few cha-cha-cha's to spice it up. Once they finished, I hung up without another word. 

I sent Jeff an email to remind him of my mother's birthday. He remembered anyways. When I spoke to my mother later in the day she was thrilled about two things. One, the kids angelic voices screaming happy birthday through the phone quote on quote "made her day." Yea, she is in Florida and that is what made her day! She was also very excited that she got a text message from a specific area code. No, I was not aware that my mother knew how to use texting, apparently she does. The number happened to have the same area code as Jeff's cell phone. Rightfully so, she assumed it was her son-in-law wishing her a happy birthday and hoping that she was enjoying her time in Florida. A perfect example of a text Jeff might send her, if Jeff had any idea she knew how to text. 

Using deductive reasoning, because I am very good at that sort of thing, I have concluded that the message was from my my cousin who lives in that same area code Jeff's phone number is registered in. When I spoke to Jeff, I let him know he was off the hook. He did not need to call my mother for she already thinks he texted her. 

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