Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cosmic Bowling

It's been a while since I've been bowling. I do enjoy it immensely when I actually go, so I took the invite to go to "cosmic bowling" tonight with some friends.

While I do like the game of bowling itself, yes, game, I do not quite give it sport status, there are a few aspects that irk me. The whole shoes thing. Gross! Who knows how many people have stuck their smelly feet into those bowling shoes. The shoes I had tonight were actually pretty comfortable, and even a bit stylish, especially the ones that glow in the black light.  But I can never get the fact that countless strangers have had these exact shoes on their feet. What if they had some kind of foot fungus? Maybe athlete's foot? These are just some of the things that stay on my mind the entire time I bowl.
The other thing that bothers me is the whole bowling ball thing. You are supposed to go around, browsing for a ball, trying them on for size and weight. This is the worst part. How many dirty, grimy fingers have been stuck in those little holes? People eat french fries and pizza, then stick their grease covered fingers in there. Kids pick their nose, then stick their fingers in there. The teenager with mono licks her fingers and proceeds to stick them into the same bowling ball that may be on your fingers! So gross! Every time I picked up that ball that had the name NANCY written across it, I cringed a little, for more than Nancy have stuck their fingers in those holes!

I'm not a germ-a-phob or a clean freak, but these things continually run through my mind as I bowl. At least I can use that as a reason for my poor scores tonight!

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