Saturday, March 20, 2010

Muddied Up

The first day of spring fittingly brought upon spring-like weather. The sun shone and a light breeze blew through the 70 degree air. With spring, we know we will get April showers and May flowers. We also get thawing and mud here in upstate New York.

Shea is a very handsome yellow lab. He draws a lot of attention for his proportional face and his coat. Most yellow labs are yellow. Shea is white. Very white. People gush over his whiteness. He is not albino (I looked it up), just a rare beauty I guess.

I too, love Shea's white coat. But it is definitely a detriment come spring. For one of Shea's favorite things to do is rolling around in the mud. He wouldn't necessarily be any cleaner if he was a chocolate or black lab, but he certainly wouldn't look as dirty. Even if he was the shade of yellow the majority of yellow labs are, he wouldn't look as dirty after rolling around in the mud.

I try to bring him places that have limited amounts of mud. But, like a dog can always find bacon, Shea can always find mud. 
Once he finds it, there is no doubt he will lay in it, roll in it, and drink it up. 

After massive scrubbing and drying, there is one positive aspect of all of Shea dirtiness. By the time he is dry and dirtless, he is tired beyond all belief. 

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