In buying my plane tickets, I used a gift certificate my lovely brother-in-law, Jonathan, got for Jeff and I for our anniversary. Wasn't that a great idea? Yea, I think so too. I'm not even trying to suck up, although with Jonathan, I can use all the sucking up I can get.
You see, Jonathan sent the gift certificate electronically. Very convenient. Only problem, really, was that I erased the email when I was trying to get rid of my junk mail. Unfortunately I didn't realize that the gift certificate was not junk mail. So, when I went to go use it to help pay for next weekend's trip, I was stumped!
The first thing I thought was, "crap, Jeff is going to kill me for losing this thing." He didn't. Maybe because I haven't seen him yet. Or, maybe because he had accidentally deleted his copy of it as well. Then, even more dreaded than telling Jeff, was telling Jonathan. We both knew Jonathan had the receipt with the gift certificate number on it.
Jeff manned up and asked Jonathan for it. He then, sent another copy of the gift certificate to every single email address we have. The email message he included with the forwarded message read, "You guys are jerks and will not even get a phone call this year." So, I am in need of brownie points with Jonathan. If only I could figure out a way to teach Diggy how to stop eating his poop! I imagine that would warrant forgiveness!
I hope you realize when you actually got the ticket for. You were supposed to get the ticket for May 7th, which would be 2 weeks.