Saturday, April 10, 2010


When Shea and I run, I do a lot of thinking. This morning, my last in Ohio, was no different. In fact, the wheels were turning even more rapidly as I retraced my week and loathed the trip ahead. Suddenly, mid-step, I realized I did not post last night. Whoops! I was thinking you would cut me some slack since this whole blog thing is about Jeff and I being apart, and, well, we weren't apart last night. In fact, it was our last night together and since I was so enthralled in my time with him, it slipped my mind to write. Forgiven? Thanks!

So, that leaves me at today. Yea, today. And although I should appreciate each day as a gift from God, I'd be lying if I said I appreciated today. Would you? Saying goodbye to my husband until an unforeseen date, followed by seven hours of driving doesn't leave much room for a good day. However, I am trying to have a rosy outlook on life in general. So, here are some things that are helping me to appreciate today:

1) I got to wake up next to Jeff.
2) I didn't have to run with ice whipping in my face like yesterday morning.
3) Shea has 4 legs (we saw a 3-legged dog today).
4) The sun was shining.
5) Shea and I made it back to NY safely.

On a side note, I no longer call anywhere home. While Cleveland should be my home, it is silly to call a place I have stayed a total of three weeks in the past nine months a home. And here, in NY, I am split between two houses. Plus, I believe a big part of a house being a home is the people who are there. When I am with Jeff, I am home.

In conclusion, (that sounds like a bad closing to a middle school essay) I have made it back home but I am not home. Confusing, I know. Oh well, I am very exciting to know that it is April and this madness is almost over!

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