Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Bumpy Ride

As I checked the Albany area newspaper last night, a certain headline caught my eye. The headline read "Turbulence Injures Several Aboard Jet." This caught my eye originally simply because I had been on a plane Friday, and was about to be on one today.

Reading about the turbulence taking over this jet that was trying to land in Albany was somewhat comical, somewhat scary, as I would be flying into Albany exactly 24 hours after the disturbed flight.

Turns out, after reading a little further down, it was not only just going to the same airport, but it was the same exact plane, coming from the same exact airport. The same exact flight. The little airliner that would bring me from Cleveland to Albany today, we the one that had injuries on it the day before. The one that was plastered all over the news in both Cleveland and Albany. 

Always thinking, I discussed with Jeff that if this happens again, I will be sure to be an "injured" passenger opening the window for suing possibilities. I mean, these people banged their head on the ceiling of the plane. Ouch. That has got to be suable! 

Anyways, we came to the conclusion, well before leaving to board the plane that the chances of something like that happening two days in a row was slim to none. More like none. And although the final twenty minutes of the flight shook our little plane pretty good, nobody was hitting the ceiling. We swayed a little bit before hitting the landing strip, but made it just fine.

Even if I did happen to hit the ceiling, the worst part of the trip would remain saying goodbye to Jeff. If it is even possible, it gets easier, but harder all at the same time. I'd rather just stay and have someone ship us our dog. 

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