Tuesday, May 11, 2010


A fellow teacher signed us up to provide lunch for the school tomorrow in celebration of the May birthdays. Nice, right? Seriously, what can I bring to the table? I suck at cooking, I suck at baking, and I would rather eat a salad made by a monkey than one made myself.

So, put in this spot, I tried to think of something I do well. Like that isn't hard enough, I had to limit it to something I do well relating to food! Since I thought people would think of me as strange if I brought in eggs, I decided that I am ok at cutting fruit. There isn't much to mess up there. The biggest concern is not chopping a finger off.
Scary, right? Anyways, I made sure to curl my fingers while cutting like my high school chef's class teacher taught me. All I was really allowed to do by my cooking partner in that class was cut and measure. She never let me actually "cook." Maybe that is partly why I am what I am. 

In order to feed the very large, and hungry, staff at my school, I had to cut a lot of fruit! My wrist is actually sore. So much fruit is needed because we have three lunch sessions. Whenever food is put out during the first lunch session, the second and third get no food. It's unbelievable. You know how people try to be polite and will eat every piece of something except the very last, shriveled up, broken one? We all know that happens. We have probably all done it before, out of politeness. Not at school. There is no politeness. It almost looks as though people lick the plate clean rather than leaving one last bit of whatever was provided. Since food doesn't make it past the first lunch session, I made three large tupperware bowls full of fruit salad, to feed each lunch group. I'd hate to think of the second (mine) and third lunch people going hungry. 

I know Jeff wouldn't like my fruit salad. Why you ask? Because different kinds of fruits are touching. I know, I know, very Rainmanish of him. But, I love him all the same! 

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