Sunday, May 30, 2010


Today I did a duathlon. A what, you ask. The duathlon I did incorporated biking and running. I had to run 3.1 miles, then bike 20 miles, then run another 3.1.

Let's just say, I was very much ready for the running. It did not phase me. Why would it? I run at least six miles almost every day. The biking, ready, not so much. Be it because this was only my fourth time on my bike this year, or that I have never actually ridden 20 miles on my bike before, or that I have weak, wussiful legs. Whatever it was, I was not ready. The 20 miles kicked my a$$!

Since wearing headphones warrented an automatic disqualification, I had a lot of time to think. The course was a five-mile loop we were required to go through four times. Throughout the first loop, I asked myself why the heck I was doing this. Why was I torturing myself? I pushed those thoughts aside as I finished my first lap. I could feel myself moving faster and starting digging the whole bike thing. Then, people started whizzing by me, deflating my positive thoughts. It was about this time that I began plotting a way to cheat and make this bike ride shorter.

The first thing that crossed my mind was maybe there was a street that cut the loop in half, that cut across the course. However, this was a pretty rural route, and I was not about to test it out. The next thought was to simply go three loops instead of the required four. Nobody would ever know. It was the perfect plan and I had convinced myself that was what I would do. I would skip out on the last loop, earn a decent time, and save myself the agony of the final five-mile loop. All was good and well, except, it wasn't true that nobody would know. I would know. And, I knew that when I called Jeff after the race was over, he would ask me how the biking was, and I would confess immediately. I was not about to let my husband think I was a cheater. So, I finished the entire four loops. And boy did it cost me time!

On the runs, I passed tons of people. On the bike, I was passed by everyone and anyone. I saw an old man with a belly shirt pass me twice, a fat lady on a pink bike passed me, and a man walking his 13-year old golden retriever passed me. The only two people I passed were off to the side of the road because their chains had fallen off. I'm sure once they hopped back on, they too, passed me.

Anyways, I finished the race. I was proud of myself for doing it, completing it, and not cheating even though I think I could have gotten away with it. I wanted to try the duathlon, and I did. At least it kept me busy for (over) 2 hours on this long weekend that I should be spending with Jeff, but am not. Thank you duathlon.

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