Saturday, June 5, 2010

Freihofer's Run for KP

At the end of the day yesterday, a co-worker, we will call her KP, approached me with an offer. She had registered for the Freihofer's Run for Women and was unable to go. Knowing that I enjoy running, she offered me her spot in return for, well, nothing really. Nothing except my running time will be published in the newspaper with her name next to it.

Although I gave no definite answer, I knew I would do it. I am a sucker for races. Especially when I (or someone else) is already registered and all I have to do is show up. The only problem I foresaw was remembering that I had to be KP.

Since the Freihofer's is a fairly big race, there is a whole check-in procedure. Luckily none of that procedure required photo identification, but it did require you to know your name. This was my biggest concern, so I was overly aware of the fact that I needed to be KP. I had to find my (KP's) name on a list and find out what my bib number would be. I read the bib number quickly and returned to the table, concentrating greatly on the fact that my name was KP. The man handing out the bibs asked me my number and I said that I was KP. He thought that was wonderful, then asked for my number again. I gave it to him. 3133. Problem, 3133 was gone. Crap, with all my focus on remembering that I was KP, I didn't really pay enough attention to what my number was. Once I figured it out (3113), I explained to the man how I, KP, had dyslexia.

Anyways, the race was fine and dandy. A fast course with some real elite runners leading the way. The winner finished in 15 minutes and some change. Being concerned that I would win KP's age group, I slowed up just a bit. I knew if I was called up as the winner of the 35-39 age group with my 15 year old face I would be accused of fraud, and rightfully so. Not to worry, KP still got a personal record of a time. She is very excited to see how she did in the paper tomorrow.

After the race, we were rewarded with Friehofer's cookies. Very fitting.

Even more fitting, I thought anyways, was the fact that there was a big Price Chopper truck. KP is somewhat of a local celebrity as she stars in a few Price Chopper commercials. I was unaware of the seriousness of her level of celebrity until I got a good look at that Price Chopper truck. While KP was unable to run, she was actually right there at the race!

Maybe if I got a truck with Jeff's larger than life picture on it, I wouldn't miss seeing his smiling face as much. Well, at least I get to see him again tomorrow! Who needs a truck when you go the real thing?

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