Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today we went on the fifth grade field trip. All aspects of this are wonderful, except I had to get up at 4:00 a.m. and did not get home until 9:00 p.m. That's a long day!

We visited the Museum of Science in the morning and headed over to the Boston Aquarium to eat lunch and spend the rest of our afternoon. With so much to do and see, the trip was very exciting and exhausting.
When our time at the aquarium was done, there was one last thing on the agenda. The iMax show based around prehistoric sealife. So super exciting! As we gathered outside of the iMax theater, some parents of students I had last year in fourth grade got talking. We were joking around, but saying how we would love to sneak away from the prehistoric sealife show and head over to Quincy Market for a bit. We thought nobody would really miss us. I pleaded my case as they would not get in trouble, as they were responsible for their own children. If anyone was to get in trouble it would be me. So, for me, it probably wasn't the best idea. 

Somehow, even after discussing that this was not my best option, we watched the kids pile into the iMax theater with the majority of the chaperones, and when all was quiet we headed over to Quincy Market. Here we went shopping, got a few snacks, and just browsed around. We were back in front of the iMax before the kids would be coming out. It seemed as though our little plan had gone off without a glitch. 

That was until the principal came over. He commented on how incredibly cold it was in the theater. Here is where I faltered. The other parents simply agreed with a simple yea. Not me. Being the bone-head that I am, I replied, "Really?" Totally giving away the fact that I had no idea the temperature of inside the theater. The principal immediately caught on, gave me a stern look, and then began laughing. We all know he wished he went to Quincy Market too! 

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