Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I hate the cold. I really, really hate it. And with that, winter is coming. In the past two days, the temperature here in upstate New York has dropped at least 20 degrees. When this time of year starts creeping in, I can't help but wonder why anyone lives here! The cold is painful. Why did anybody settle in this area way back when, and why did the generations after that stay here? 

Although I am not completely convinced, I think my answer came in the form of an email this morning. The email is from my aunt who lives in Naples, Florida. One of the most beautiful places right on the Gulf Coast, with warm weather! Ahhh, I melt just thinking about it. Everyone should live in Naples! Well, maybe there are some reasons, some worries, some things, that keep people away from residing in this beautiful southern town. This may be one of them:

A seven to eight foot alligator roaming around at a local elementary school. That could pose a big problem! Luckily, no students were present when the alligator was discovered and it was safely removed before any students arrived at school. While it sure makes for an entertaining story, I am glad I don't have to worry about an alligator wandering into my classroom. Instead, I worry about the heat not working. 

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