Friday, October 23, 2009

PB Please

I envy my dog. In reality, I envy him for many reasons, but one thing sticks out in particular almost everyday. As a nearly daily treat, I fill Shea's Kong with peanut butter. Do you know what a Kong is? Kong claims to be the "world's best dog toy." Pretty cocky statement don't you think? It is the equivalent of Michael Jordan claiming he is the best basketball player ever; it is 100 percent the truth! The Kong is by far the most superior dog toy out there.

Every time I jam pack Shea's Kong full of peanut butter, I have the urge to devour a knife full of peanut butter. For the most part, I can suppress this desire by thinking about Shea frantically licking the peanut butter out of the Kong. He lays down, closes his eyes, and stretches his tongue into all the corners of hid beloved Kong. It is a very emotional and time consuming process. And while I love Shea and all that he does, his layers of slobber covering the Kong, makes me think twice about using that same knife to lick a glob of peanut butter off of.

On days when I plan ahead, I will fill Shea's Kong with peanut butter and put it in the freezer. This makes Shea's special treat last even longer. The amount of envy I have when Shea simply has a Kong full of peanut butter, multiplies when it is filled with frozen peanut butter. Something about the frozen peanut butter sends an aroma into the air unlike any other. Definitely a step above regular peanut butter. Since I was really on the ball this morning, I not only put Shea's Kong in the freezer, but I put a little cup of peanut butter in there for myself as well. While Shea and I shared our peanut butter treats this afternoon, I felt my envy momentarily dissipate.

My friends, the only thing better than peanut butter, is frozen peanut butter! Think about it. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Does it include peanut butter? Have you ever had a frozen peanut butter cup?
It seems as though all frozen things taste better with a touch of peanut butter (even babies)!

I know someone in Cleveland would certainly agree with me. So, Jeff, if you are missing Shea, which I know you are, put a little PB in the freezer, then snack on it in an hour or so. Not only will it satisfy your taste buds, but the delicious smell will remind you of your furry buddy!

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