The nickname: Gorski. Sometimes shortened to Gorsk.
Really not all that shocking of a nickname. It makes perfect sense. Lots of people out there are called by their last name. It's funny to me because when I met Jeff he was one of those people. He was obviously, Gorski, way before I was. In fact, he was so much Gorski, that I had no idea what his first name was for the longest time.
One of the first times I met Jeff we were at a soccer game. He had had a few drinks in him and was wearing a "cat in the hat" hat of the American flag.
Maybe it wasn't exactly love a first sight, but it was certainly infatuation. That hat must have really struck a cord with me. I found myself asking people who exactly the guy in the American flag hat was. Once I knew his name was Gorski, I dug deeper, wanting to know at least a little bit about him.
The one consistent thing I heard was him being called Gorski. Even talking to his best friend at college, it was just Gorski this and Gorski that. In my young, naive, and common-sense lacking 18-year old mind, I came to the conclusion that Jeff's first name must be Gorski. A very unique name. One I had never heard before. Very interesting. I was interested in knowing more about this Gorski character.
At least a full month, if not more, passed before I found out Jeff's name was actually Jeff. And it wasn't like I wasn't around him enough, because I saw him quite often. I remember when the revelation came that his name was Jeff. I was floored. But delighted because Jeffrey has always been one of my favorite names. Perfect. It only drew me further in love with him.
After we started dating, the Gorski I had never once called by his first name, slowly became Jeff. I guess, very similarly to how I very slowly, almost unnoticeably, have become Gorski. Seems a little odd to have the same nickname as your husband. But don't worry, I have plenty more!
To me you will always be Woo! Lol. :)