Tuesday, May 4, 2010


My mother admits that when she was pregnant with me, she would occasionally have a small glass of wine. I am quick to remind her of this when I do or say something stupid. That drinking probably had some effect on my decision making.

Really, I'm just messing with her. It is actually proven that it is okay to have an occasion drink. One. Not two or five, one. Apparently Ms. Caruso missed that memo. She really missed it and while I had a good, pleasant day, she now has me fuming. This woman that I do not even know. Take a look at her idiotic self:
One thing is obvious looking at her. She's under the influence of something. It just so happened to be alcohol.  A blood alcohol level of 2.0. This is public knowledge because she was caught driving. Pretty selfish, right? Driving that drunk. So, the obvious of this picture, I think the other thing is a little harder to tell. Look carefully at her zebra shirt. In the belly area. She is actually eight months pregnant. 

Pregnant, drunk, and driving. Wonderful combo. Good decisions. This woman obviously is not equipped to take care of herself, let alone the child growing inside of her. 

I don't mean to be writing about an issue that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with my life, and my time away from my husband, but it just infuriates me. Not only endangered that baby by driving drunk, the possibility that it will never see daylight, also poisoning it with alcohol. If only there were some way to prevent ill-equipped people from having children. Lord knows they seem to be the ones who have circus cars full. While those people who would be great parents, have difficulty conceiving. 

Ok, I am done venting for the evening. For the sake of all that makes me happy, I get to see Jeff in 2 more days! 

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